Dentures in Little River: Restoring Smiles at Palmetto Dental Associates

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Dentures in Little River: Restoring Smiles at Palmetto Dental Associates

Missing teeth can impact more than just your smile. It can affect your confidence, the way you eat, and even your speech. Fortunately, dentures offer a reliable, cost-effective solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring oral function. At Palmetto Dental Associates in Little River, Dr. Emily Hortman provides personalized dentures that look natural, fit comfortably, and help patients regain their quality of life.

What Are Dentures?

Dentures in Little River are dental appliances that replace missing teeth. They rest on the gums; you can remove them to clean them. There are two main types of dentures:

  • We use Full Dentures when all of a patient’s teeth are missing. They sit directly on the gums and hold in place by suction or adhesives.
  • Partial Dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. They anchor to the remaining teeth and help fill in the gaps created by missing teeth.

Dentures replace missing teeth and help maintain facial structure, prevent further tooth loss, and allow patients to eat and speak more effectively.

Dentures in Little River at Palmetto Dental Associates

At Palmetto Dental Associates in Little River, Dr. Emily Hortman and her team specialize in creating custom dentures that meet each patient’s unique needs. Whether you need full or partial dentures, Dr. Hortman will guide you through the process and provide expert care at every step.

Here’s what you can expect when you choose dentures at Palmetto Dental Associates:

  1. Personalized Consultation: Your journey to a new smile begins with a thorough consultation with Dr. Hortman. During this visit, she will evaluate your oral health, discuss your goals, and determine whether dentures are the right solution. She will also review your options, explain the differences between full and partial dentures, and answer any questions.
  2. Detailed Impressions: If dentures are the best option for you, Dr. Hortman will take detailed impressions of your mouth. We use these impressions to create a custom-fitted denture that aligns perfectly with the shape of your gums and teeth, ensuring a snug, comfortable fit.
  3. Custom Fabrication: We craft your dentures using high-quality materials that mimic the appearance of natural teeth and gums. We customize every aspect of your dentures, from the shape of the teeth to the color of the gums, to blend naturally with your appearance.
  4. Fitting and Adjustments: Once your dentures are ready, Dr. Hortman will ensure they fit comfortably and make any necessary adjustments. It’s common to need a few adjustments as adjust to wearing your new dentures, and Dr. Hortman will work with you to make sure they are as comfortable as possible.
  5. Ongoing Care and Maintenance: Dentures require proper care to maintain appearance and function. Dr. Hortman will guide you on how to clean and care for your dentures. Regular check-ups at Palmetto Dental Associates will also ensure that your dentures continue to fit correctly and function well.

Dentures vs. Dental Implants

While dentures offer a reliable solution for replacing missing teeth, some patients may also consider dental implants. We surgically place dental implants in the jawbone and offer a more permanent solution for missing teeth. However, dentures are often the preferred choice for patients not candidates for implants or are looking for a more cost-effective option.

Dr. Hortman will help you understand the pros and cons of dentures and implants, allowing you to make an informed decision that best fits your needs and lifestyle.

Adjusting to Life with Dentures

Adjusting to dentures takes time, especially if you are new to wearing them. You may experience minor soreness, difficulty speaking, or challenges when chewing in the first few days or weeks. This adjustment period is standard, and with a bit of patience, most patients find they quickly adapt to their new dentures.

Here are a few tips to help ease the transition:

  • Practice Speaking: Speaking with dentures may feel different at first, but it will become more natural with practice. Reading aloud or repeating difficult words can help you adjust faster.
  • Start with Soft Foods: Eating with dentures may take some time. Start with soft foods and cut your food into small pieces to make chewing easier. Over time, you’ll regain the ability to enjoy a full range of foods.
  • Use Denture Adhesive if Needed: While dentures should fit snugly, denture adhesive can provide extra security and peace of mind, especially in the beginning stages.

Why Choose Palmetto Dental Associates for Dentures in Little River?

Palmetto Dental Associates in Little River provides compassionate, expert dental care. Dr. Emily Hortman helps patients regain their smiles and confidence through custom dentures. With a focus on patient comfort and personalized treatment, Dr. Hortman and her team will ensure you receive the best possible care from start to finish.

At Palmetto Dental Associates, we understand that getting dentures is a significant decision, and we are here to support you every step of the way. From your initial consultation to your final fitting, we aim to create a smile that looks natural, feels comfortable, and enhances your quality of life.

Get High-Quality Dentures in Little River

If you are considering dentures in Little River, Dr. Emily Hortman and the team at Palmetto Dental Associates are here to help. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward restoring your smile.

Dentures Little River

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